Wednesday, July 30, 2014

3 months

Dear Kinley,

You, my dear, are 3 months old today! When the heck did that happen? It seems like not that long ago we were bringing you home from the hospital, putting you in clothes that were way too big and snuggling you as much as we could! Well, the latter still applies. My dear Kinley, you have grown so much over these months. I love watching you learn and develop! Although, I get a little sad that my little girl is not staying so little. I definitely savor the moments when you are in my arms!

 Some big mile stones, you can officially laugh, even though you don't do it very often. That's okay though; it makes the times when you do so much sweeter. And two days ago, you rolled over on your own for the very first time! Mommy was amazed! I thought for sure it was going to take you another month. You never acted interested in it when we would practice, but I stand corrected. Dad and I love your curiousness and still get so excited every time you smile, which is all day long! You are still babbling away. I think you talk more to Daddy than to me, but that's okay. It's fun watching you two play and bond. You have such a happy disposition, Kinley and you are a very easy going baby. You still have your not so happy moments, (like while doing tummy time) as every baby does, but usually it's nothing a little nap or snuggling can't cure. You love being around people and studying their faces! Dad and I have a feeling you are going to be quite the people person when you are older.

We took you swimming for the first time last month! I know the pictures look like you aren't really enjoying yourself, but I think that's because we took you out to the pool right after you woke up from a nap. So you were a little groggy, but nevertheless you had a great time in the giant bath tub! Dad and I can't wait to take you out again soon!

We have a lot coming up in the coming months! A trip to Utah to see GG and Grandpa Glenn in the next couple of weeks, then maybe a roadtrip or two, your first Halloween, your first Thanksgiving with Grandma and Grandpa Nunes and your first Christmas!

Your dad and I still love your more than words can say! Our love for you grows more and more every day! We are so grateful to have you in our lives!

 Happy 3 months Miss Kinley Rae!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Quick Cardio

Hey! Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! Ours was pretty low key, but it was fun to have Kinley around for her first 4th of July. Unfortunately we didn't get to see any fireworks. The towns surrounding us had their shows on Thursday. We thought for sure that something would be going on close by on Friday, but sadly there wasn't. Oh well. We weren't too sure how Kinley would do with the fireworks anyway. We'll try for next year.

I wanted to share a youtube video for anyone interested in a quick cardio workout. I love this lady. She is spunky and full of energy. This is a great 10 minute workout that combines cardio with weight training. This is sure to get you sweaty and give you a burn! I'm doing it this morning. Give it a try! Let me know what you think!

                                                                   10 minute cardio

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

2 months

Dear Kinley,

You are two months old now! It's funny it seems like you have been in your dad and I's life for much longer than that! You are growing so much! It's exciting to see, but also a little saddening to see you already growing up! Some days I want you to stop, so you can always be this little. You smile ALL THE TIME now! Both Dad and I think you will be giggling in no time! You are still as observant than ever, which is probably why you don't like to nap as much during the day anymore. You still nap, they are just shorter cat naps. It makes it hard for Mom to get much of anything done. You love when Dad gets home from work. It's funny, when he is around you watch him constantly! And I think he makes you smile the most. I think we might have a Daddy's girl in the making. You are so content most of the day, just happy to be in your vibrating chair. You love that chair, but you also have no problem letting me know that it's time for some mommy snuggles. I am happy to give them though. You continue to be a joy in Dad and I's life and in those around you. People always comment how beautiful and calm and alert you are! You are still my perfect little girl. I thank God every day that you are in our lives. I love you so much, Kinley, more than I ever imagined. Happy 2 months little girl!

Workout 1

                                                   June 30, 2014

I wanted to create a page where I can post some of my workouts. Since having my little one I've been really excited to get back to the gym and regain my strength and endurance. My body, however, doesn't seem as thrilled. Having a baby takes quite a toll on the body (don't mind my Captain Obvious-ness...) so I have had to learn to take things slow and work back up to where I use to be pre-pregnancy; which has been a challenge in and of itself, but I've enjoyed it.

The one thing I have really wanted to work on is re strengthening my core. I went soft towards the end of my pregnancy and ignored my core quite a bit, and now I'm paying for it! If I can give one piece of advice to anyone wanting to exercise during pregnancy, which should be EVERYONE, do NOT forget your core! It helps so much with labor and delivery AND recovery. With that said, I wanted to post a workout that I've done a few times now. I came across a youtube series called, "Pilates Summer Series". The instructor, Robin, spends 3 weeks toning every part of the body in preparation of summer and "bikini season". She focuses on one area of the body each day. I haven't completed the whole series yet, but I am loving Robin's ab workouts. Today I did days 1 and 6, both ab workouts. Each of them separately is great! The reason I did both, was because I wanted a little extra challenge, and boy did I get it! The other thing I love about these series and her workouts is that they are safe for women who are post pregnancy trying to rebuild and reconnect the diastasis recti (the muscles in your lower abdomen that stretched and thinned during pregnancy. So without further ado..

Today's workout:
Summer Series Day 1
Summer Series Day 6
12 "girl pushups" (knees on the floor)
12 tricep dips
12 wide arm pushups
(repeat arm series twice)
12 burpees.

Try it, let me know what you think?  

1 month

Dear Kinley,

We have made it to one month!! And a little beyond. I'm glad we have all survived. You have brought so much joy into your dad and I's life! When your dad and I first saw you one month ago, we were completely smitten by you! We are now true believers in "love at first sight". You are absolutely beautiful and feisty like we thought you would be. (You get that from your  mamma) Everyone says you look just like Daddy, but you definitely got Mom's big eyes. When you are awake you are so observant. You look at everything and everyone and are mesmerized by what you see. You have the sweetest little smile and the cutest giggle when you are about to eat. You make the funniest faces, especially when you just wake up, that make Mommy and Daddy laugh and laugh. Some likes and dislikes: You dislike being changed, the car seat (when you are awake) and sleeping anywhere other than Mommy and Daddy's arms. You like tummy time, baths, and snuggling. Especially snuggling!

You have turned our whole world completely upside down, but we wouldn't have it any other way. We love you Miss Kinley Rae!