Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Gettin Back in the Groove

So, if many of you haven't noticed, most of the blog last year was dedicated to my sweet baby girl! As much as I loved tracking all of her fun little mile stones month by month, I'm ready to get back to other things. I'll still update everybody on Miss K, I don't ever go very long in a conversation anymore without mentioning her, so no need to worry about that. I'm not sure what I'll write about now. Our adventures in Texas still and probably some random thoughts here and there. For now I'll give a quick recap as of what has been happening lately.

We had a trip to Utah to visit Matt's family! Even though the weather wasn't ideal, we had a great time! We visited with lots of relatives, went zip lining, rode the Heber Creeper, had a girls day with Matt's mom and my sister-in-law, saw the Payson Temple open house, and Matt and I spent our anniversary there as well! It was a fantastic trip! We can't wait to go back this summer!

What's going on with Jamie:
For those of you who don't know or haven't heard yet, in April I passed my test to become a Group Fitness Instructor. I had been studying since the end of December and, while I feel like I told many of you, there were also a lot of my friends and family that I kept in the dark. Mostly because I was so nervous about doing this. I had been talking about it and planning it for so long in my brain and once I started actually pursuing it I didn't want to blow it. I also didn't want EVERYONE to know that I had blown it. I figured, If I passed I would celebrate loudly and let everyone know, and if I didn't it would go quietly unnoticed and I would feel down for a bit and then move on. It was the first big academic thing I had done since I graduated college! I had to recommit to studying and have a schedule and be organized all on top of being a full time mom to my favorite little girl. It was tough and most days I struggled to stick with my schedule, but I made it through and I passed! Now, I am looking for a job with a gym. I took a few classes and have a pretty good idea of what I'd like to teach, now it is up to someone to "take a chance on me" (Abba anyone?) to give me some experience and get me moving down my new career path!

What's going on with Matt:
Matt is so awesome! He is an amazing husband, fantastic father and such a hard worker! Right now he puts in a full days work, comes home eats dinner and spends a few minutes with Kinley and I (literally a few minutes) and then he is off to the library to study until it closes every night! He is a dedicated man, I tell ya! What is it that he is studying for? Well, most of our friends and family know, but he is studying to take the GMAT for... GRAD SCHOOL! He came to me with this plan a little over a year ago. He told me one of this goals has always been to go back to school to get his MBA. Of course, I support this decision whole heartedly and so now here we are. He looked into a lot of schools! Some here in Texas, and some in other states, but one school always stuck out to us in our minds. Right now, our plan is to try and get into BYU in Provo, Utah. I have gotten so many questions from friends and family about this decision, and all I can say in response is, we have looked at all the options. This is the best option for us and our family.

What's going on with Kinley:
Kinley is doing absolutely great! Well, at the moment not so great. She has been under the weather recently and now she is teething. Up until now she has never even winced with any of her previous teeth. But whatever is trying to make it's way through is giving her a tough time! I hope she'll start to feel better soon. I miss my happy-go-lucky baby! Other than that she is growing and babbling and starting to stand! Her hair is turning blond. Matt doesn't like to admit it, and I am loving the change. She tans so easily too so she is looking like a little beach babe! I love this little baby of mine!

What's coming up for the Glenn Family:
-Matt's test
-Two trips to Utah this summer
-Our first family vacation to Washington DC
-Making lots more memories with our friends in Texas!