Thursday, June 4, 2020

9 months

I say it with all my babies no matter how cliche it is, and I'll say it with this one as well. Derek, you have been out as long as you were in! You are nine months old now! You have the cutest little personality. You have this sweet little giggle, you love to come over to mom when I sit on the floor and just bury your head into me, I'm not sure why you do it, but I am going to think it's your way of saying you love me. You have two teeth now and you still love to eat! Sometimes you get a little testy with what we give you. You desperately want more finger foods and foods you can eat independently, but because you only have two teeth, our options are limited. I always know when it's been awhile since I've given you finger foods because you swat your baby food away until I give you something you can pick up and put in your mouth. After a few bites of that you are ready again for the baby food. It's been fun to watch how you communicate what you want.

You weight 16 lbs (7th percentile
You are in the 1st percentile for height
and 60th percentile for head circumference.

You might be little, but oh are you precious! The whole family adores you! Well, almost the whole family. Haley is pretty neutral when it comes to you, but we found out this month that she is fantastic at feeding you! She's so gentle and slow and you seem to love it! It's not really her favorite thing to do, but she likes being a helper, so she'll do it after a little coaxing. I hope you never lose your contagious smile and your easy going demeanor. We love you, Little Bear!

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