Sunday, September 11, 2016

One Month

Dear Haley,

Happy one month, little girl! This month has seemed to go by so fast. You already have grown so much since we brought you home from the hospital! You have big beautiful eyes. They seem to be a dark blue with brown in the middle. I would love if you ended up with big hazel eyes, but really, you will be beautiful no matter what. You have had kind of a rough month to start out in. For your first month you have had two colds, both have been from Kinley. Don't worry, she gave it to Daddy and I also. Hopefully you will be on the mend soon.

Some things we have learned about you in the last month:

-You love to be held and snuggled. I have joked with  your dad that I'm pretty sure Heavenly Father sent you to me to help me with my issue of body space. Your goal in life is to be held 24 hours a day, and you seem to be somewhat succeeding despite my best efforts. I am, however, also soaking it all in because I know you will only be so little for so long.

-Your favorite place to sleep is in someone's arms (see above) . Unless you are being held, your naps usually aren't terribly long. But when you do decide to take a good rest, you sleep long and hard. It takes a little while to wake you, which we are not use to, since big sister was a light sleeper  when she was your age. Between the two, though, I like you and your deep sleep better. =)

-You HATE the car with a total passion. Unless you are in a deep sleep you scream and cry the entire time that you are in the car. Dad and I are working to rectify that and are trying to get you as use to the car as we can.

-You love looking at the world around you and you love watching your big sister, Kinley. Kinley loves you so much, also.

-You are over 7 lbs now and 20 inches long.

We love you so much Haley girl. Our hearts have grown since you have joined our family! Can't wait for what's in store next month!

Love, Mom

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