Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Four Months

Dear Miss Haley,

Happy four months! It's been quite a month! We almost got through one whole month without getting sick! Unfortunately, Dad came home with a cold and infected the rest of us. So, we are back again with your runny nose and goopy eye! Luckily, you are just about over it and have been sleeping great despite all that.

Some quick stats:
- You weight 11.5 lbs this month
- You are 23 inches long
-Officially can roll over from back to tummy.
-Still loves to stand
-Love watching big sister, Kinley

 A lot of times we compare what you do to things your older sister did when she was your age. One thing that is different between the two of you is that you loved to be changed! It does not matter if it's your diaper or clothes, you smile and grin the whole time. I have a feeling you are going to be a little wardrobe changer like I was when I was a little girl. Or have an eye for fashion at a young age. It makes getting you ready so easy and much more enjoyable!

 One new development that we're not so crazy about is you have become quite a little monster right before bed. You do not like to settle down at night. You like to be held and walked with until late at night. You hate when Mom or Dad tries to sit down with you. You are making it a little hard for your mom and dad to hang out at night just the two of us. We have officially started cry it out with you so we can get you to fall asleep on your own and then eventually move your bedtime down to a more appropriate hour.

Haley, you are such a happy little baby. Mom has nicknamed you Happy Haley because you are so happy all the time! I think the only times you cry are when you wake up from your nap and at night when we are trying to put you to bed. Otherwise you are so content! You love to look at your surroundings, Kinley provides you with hours of entertainment and you smile like no other! We love you so much Miss Haley girl. We are so grateful that you are happy and healthy and that you are part of our family!

Love, Mom

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