Most people probably don't know this, but this time I really wanted to try to labor and deliver naturally. My experience with an epidural for Kinley's delivery wasn't a favorite experience of mine (that's a whole other story) so that's why I wanted a natural birth.
After my water broke my contractions came hard and fast, though I still felt like I was managing them alright. At this point also, Matt started really coaching and helping me through each one and he was absolutely fantastic! I really couldn't have gotten as far as I did without him. At 6:15 my nurse decided to move me up a level on the pitocin. I was really reluctant because my contractions felt very close together and started to get a lot more painful, but I agreed to let her move me up. Soon after that I was in an immense amount of pain. The contractions felt almost constant and I was starting to lose my focus and threw all my pain management techniques out the window. At 7:15 P.M. I had had enough. I couldn't endure the pain anymore and I asked (more like begged) for an epidural. The anesthesiologist came pretty quickly and he was amazing! He worked quickly and was kind and reassuring during all that happened next...
While I was getting my epidural, my nurse was going through a shift change. My new nurse came in during kind of a hectic moment. So, in the midst of all that was going on she forgot to check my progress and decided to give me some pain medication through my IV to give me a little relief while we were waiting for the epidural to be put in. The pain medication she gave me was only supposed to be used if I was dilated to a 6 or less. After that it's not good for the baby and it can cause their heart rate to decrease.
Well... I was further than a 6. Haley's heart tones started to slow down just as my epidural was finished. Soon, it seemed like tons of nurses were in our room; I was forced to wear an oxygen mask so that Haley could get more oxygen and I was told to immediately lay down on my left side. At that point they finally checked me and lo and behold I was already at a 10! My Dr. and nurses quickly helped me up and told me to push right then and there. I was told I only pushed through 2 contractions and then at 7:49 P.M. Miss Haley Elizabeth was born. She was perfectly fine. No major harm had been done from the pain meds. When I heard her first cry I was completely overwhelmed with joy that my little girl was finally here. Life now is a little different, but I wouldn't change a thing. We are so in love with both Haley and Kinley!

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