I have been so bad about keeping up! I had a post all ready to go about all the things we did in July, and then I got side tracked with Kinley and promised myself I would go back to it. Well now it is September and I'm just now getting back to it... Oh well,
Instead of breaking down every month in a separate post (because I only have so much time before Kinley wakes up from her nap) I want to give a quick recap of our summer.
First thing we did in July was make a trip down to see Andrew for the 4th. He was in San Antonio for some military training, so we thought a road trip was in order. It was a MUCH longer road trip than expected because of all the road construction, but eventually we made it and had such a great time walking the River Walk and getting a feel of what living on a military base was like. Although we didn't get to see any fireworks, it was a great way to spend the 4th! So glad for our spontaneous trips!
July's theme turned out to be weddings. Kinley and I made a trip back to Utah to see one of my closest friends get married. It was the first time I was able to attend a wedding in an LDS Temple that wasn't my own. It was such a sweet feeling and I am so grateful that I was able to be there for Ashlee's special day. My heart was so full that day. Not only was I able to see Ashlee get married, but I had the greatest time catching up with old friends and family. My heart was full the entire trip. It was hands down, the best trip of the year, if not one of the best trips of my lifetime. I wish I could have stayed longer and seen more friends and family. It made me even more homesick for Utah (which is a statement that 3 years ago, I NEVER thought I would say)
I also got to attend an old co-worker's wedding at the end of July as well. It was so great catching up with old friends and really, my first friends here in Texas. If it weren't for that job and those awesome people I got to work with, I think I would have curled up in a hole and wished all of my Texas days away. We laughed and danced the night away! I needed a good dance party, I think. Thanks again to Lindsey for letting me "crash her wedding" ;-)
At the same time, Matt took Kinley with him back to Utah to see his cousin get married. I'm so glad Matt got to take Kinley so I could have a little break from motherhood and that he was able to spend some special time with her. I wish I could have been there to see Matt's cousin and his adorable wife get married, but I'm glad Matt and Kins were able to go and represent this Glenn clan. Though the break was nice and much needed, I couldn't wait for the two of them to get back!
(Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to share here, because I lost them all when I had to replace my phone.. =( I didn't realize that until I was trying to find all my photo's from July... )

this is the only photo I have from our trip to Utah..
Because July was so travel filled we took a bit of a break and stuck around here for awhile. Nothing too crazy happened in August. Lots of walks and pool time with Kinley and of course weekends spend with Matt running errands and catching up on life. I was able to get a job with a local rec center as a sub for Aqua classes. While I'm not fully on their books, I feel like this is a great way to "get my feet wet" (get it?!). I am hoping to start taking another class regularly so I can certify in that and hopefully get more sub jobs coming my way, or better yet, a permanent job with them. Our big highlight of August was... KINLEY STARTED WALKING!! At 15 1/2 months old she took her first steps! Instead of being sad at this big milestone and another testament that my baby is growing up, I celebrated and for her and for me. I was ready to have her start walking at this point. and it has been so much fun and opened up more doors for us to play! I'm so happy and proud of my big girl!!

I know September isn't over yet, but we just got back from our very first family vacation to Washington D.C.. We spent 4 days there and it was a blast! We did LOTS of walking and subway riding. Kinley did great for all of it. This was my 2nd time seeing our nation's capital and Matt's first. It was fun showing him different things that my tour did way back in middle school and also seeing a couple new things. Our days included: visiting and touring the Capital Building, walking to the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial, the Holocaust Museum, the Aerospace, Natural History and one of the Art Gallery Smithsonian's, and taking a cruise to Mt. Vernon and touring George Washington's house and grounds. It was a great trip and the perfect amount of time when having a little one with you! The weather was beautiful, and while we were planning on seeing some fall colors, D.C.'s landscape wasn't quite there yet, but we didn't mind too much.
outside the capital |
cool fountain |
at the Washington Monument |
taking a break and playing on the grass |
on our way to the Lincoln Memorial |
Lincoln Memorial |
Smithsonian Castle |
This bush with it's random white leaves |
Fountain outside Smithsonian |
Family Selfiie |
Outside Natrual History Smithsonian |
Mt. Vernon... getting some updates |
view of Potomac from Mt. Vernon back porch |
Back side of Mt. Vernon |
Trail leading down to the wharf |
That's it for now. Currently I am looking forward to some cooler fall weather. My boots and sweaters are calling my name, but I can't quite get them out yet with 90+ forecasts this week... my wish will continue, I guess.
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