Thursday, May 11, 2017

Nine Months

Dear Haley,

You are nine months old! Officially been out as long as you were in! So much has happened it seems like this past month!

-You weigh 17 ish pounds
-You are 26 inches long (you are short and round and mommy wouldn't have you any other way!)
-Still have only 2 teeth, but one is on the way
-Still sleep through the night
-Started trying table foods
-Starting to pull yourself up

Miss Haley, you. are. thee. squirmiest! You love to move and roll around. It takes Dad and I FOREVER to change your clothes or diaper because you squirm so dang much! Last month you were only scooting yourself backwards, but now you are crawling everywhere and getting into everything! There is nothing that you don't put in your mouth and Dad and I are back to super baby proofing everything! We have to watch you like a hawk because of the things you have snuck into your mouth! You are now starting to pull yourself up to standing on couches and anything sturdy. I don't think you are going to take as long to walk as Kinley did, which makes me a little sad, but I get it; you want to be off keeping up with your big sister. I hope you keep crawling a little longer though, it's good for your brain.

You still love to watch Kinley and get into everything she is into. She is still having a hard time sharing and you are starting to have an opinion on her sharing as well. Before she would take things out of your hand and it would barely phase you, you would just move on to the next thing. Now, if she tries to take something you have no problem sharing your feelings about it, loudly. I'm not complaining though. It's understandable and we are working with her to be more open to letting you play with her. She will get there soon enough.

You still sleep through the night and are still taking two naps a day. You are starting to stay awake a little longer though, so I am having to adjust your nap times, which makes me sad because you aren't going to be taking your afternoon nap with Kinley anymore, or at least for awhile. However, the bright side of that is that you and I get to have some one on one time while Kinley sleeps.

You want to be so independent, little miss. You want to try and feed yourself and you are getting better, but you still need some assistance from Mom and Dad. You are going to be your own little person, that is for sure. I tell all our family and friends that I have a feeling you are going to give us a run for our money. Kinley is sassy, yes, but you can't wait to grow up and be independent. Just try not to grow up too fast! These past nine months already seem a little fast. That may be in part to me wishing those first three months away, which I apologize for. I am not one of those mommy's that enjoys the newborn phase. And both you and Kinley were tough newborns.

Despite all that, I hope you know how much we adore you, Haley! Your smile still fills my heart with joy and you have been the perfect little addition to our family! Can't wait to see what you do this month!

We love you!!

Love, Mom

Three Years

Dear Kinley,

You are three now! Where did the time go? We are so proud of you for the kind of little girl you are already. You are sweet and thoughtful. You are adventurous and of course, still sassy.

You are currently 36.5 inches tall and weigh about 28 lbs. Your hair is still blond and slowly growing and you eyes are now more greenish than they are blue. They were blue for so long we were convinced you were going to be blue for good, but over the last 6 months or so they have developed a little more green, and I'm actually excited about it. That is one thing I have always loved about myself is my eye color. I love having green eyes, and it is not very common compared to other eye colors, so I always counted myself as special because of it. I hope you see it that way as well.

You love to be outside. You love to explore and are so interested in the world around you. You love running. Dad and I joke that when we have a house we are going to have to put in a track in our backyard with how much you love to run. I have started taking you on "walks" wearing my running gear. You get to run and I chase after you, it's another way for me to get my exercise in. You love holding my hand and running with me, also.

Well, a month before you turned three we decided to try and potty train you again. This was our third attempt. The first two times were pretty rough to say the least and you didn't have a lot of interest in it after the first day or so. This third attempt was proving to be the same. Dad and I had gotten to day three with you. It was a Monday so Dad was going back to school and the morning had not gone well. I had told Dad and myself that if there wasn't any improvement by nap time, I was going to quit again and wait a few more months. While I was sitting at the table eating breakfast, feel discouraged, you went and sat on your potty seat all by yourself and when you were finished, ran into the kitchen yelling, "Mom! I goed pee in the potty!!" I was over the moon excited! I realized that maybe I just needed to give you some space and let you be in charge. Once I changed my tactics, you did great! We still had and still have accidents every now and then, but for the most part, you are my little potty champ. You gave up the potty seat all by yourself and now use the "big potty" exclusively (with a little ring insert so you don't fall in). You have fallen in once so far, which I have to admit I giggled at when I first saw you; you were not as amused, but that has been your only fall so far.

You love to talk, read books, dance and sing. Your favorite songs right now are still a few songs from Frozen, but you are loving the songs from Moana. Some other songs you love are: "I Love to See the Temple" and "Families can be Together Forever".

Your friends you currently play with are Luci McMullin and Liam Tate. Sometimes you and Luci have some power struggles, which makes having play dates hard, but you and Liam get along all the time! We love having these friends so close! As far as your relationship with Haley... it's a little hot and cold. I think you are wanting her to be bigger so you can play and tumble together, but since she is still so little, we are working on appropriate play with each other. Also, sharing has been a bit of an issue, but I was expecting that and we are practicing all the time. You will get the hang of it soon, I'm sure.

This year will have lots of adventures! We have a Glenn family reunion coming up at the end of May. You, Haley and I are going to California to see Na-ma and Papa for a couple weeks in June. We are moving back in with Gigi and Pa-do-work for the month of July and then we will move to our own place in August. Dad will also start his second and final year of grad school in August; and we also have Aunt Cara's wedding coming up in October. I'm sure we will have lots more adventures in between there as well.

Kinley, you are our little sunshine. You make us laugh constantly and we love your laugh as well. We love that you love nursery and learning about Jesus so much. Your prayers right now are so precious and I hope they stay that way. We love you, little sass! Can't wait to see what this next year brings!

Love, Mom
Christmas 2016. We didn't make it to church because Kinley decided to run through the mud...

First time meeting Santa

December 7, 2016

First attempt at potty training... FAIL

Alice, Haley and Kinley

Kinley and Aunt Cara

Friends on a walk. Kinley and Luci

introducing the potty

First time at Temple Square

Papa and Na-ma come to visit

Friends! Kinley and Layla