Happy 11 months baby girl! I love sharing this milestone with you on my birthday! I know I say this all the time, but I cannot believe you are going to be a year old one short month from now! This time a year ago, Daddy and I were dreaming about the day you were going to be here. We were wondering how our lives were going to change and what you were going to be like. Well, our lives have absolutely changed... completely for the better! And you are so much more of a character than we ever pictured you to be!
Let's get some stats. You are 15 lbs now and probably about 27 inches tall now. You are wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes, but there are a couple things mommy can still squeeze you into that are 3 month sizes... You have 4 teeth and still love the baby food and are usually happy to try new solid foods too.
You constantly smile all the time, which really is nothing new. You are starting to laugh at a lot more things. Dad and I would joke earlier in your life that you had a very sophisticated sense of humor, because it was quite a challenge to get you to laugh, but it's become much easier now and it is literal music to our ears! You still babble away and continue to be the adorable baby that people are always doting over. Dad and I also joke that most of our friends now are really our friends so that they can have time to snuggle with you. We don't mind though, we love sharing your joy with others.
You are crawling a lot better now, over the last few days you have traded in your army crawl (on your forearms and knees) to now crawling up on your hands and knees. You are also starting to pull yourself up onto things! It seems like the past 10 days have just been full of new developments!
We love you so much sweet girl! I can't believe how fast time has gone, but honestly I wouldn't change it at all. Happy eleven months Miss Kinley! We love you!!!
love, Mom