Happy five months, little one! Time is going so fast, and mommy is loving being home with you to make all these wonderful memories with you. You are about 12 lbs and a little over 2 feet tall. You are still so little! You can still wear some 0-3 month onesies or just 3 months and can fit into some 3-6 month bottoms. You have your adorable, chunky legs to thank for that. But anything over 3 months in tops completely swallows you. Mommy and Daddy aren't complaining too much. Your clothes are lasting a lot longer than we expected which is A-okay with us.
You continue to babble and chat all day long. You have the funniest growl when you get frustrated, or when you are a little backed up (sorry.) You are always making Daddy and I laugh! You have almost given up the pacifier completely and now suck your thumb to calm yourself, or most recently your index and middle fingers! You roll over like a champ and will put anything in your mouth that you can get your hands on. You have started eating rice cereal and are getting use to eating from a spoon. You are so interested in what Mom and Dad are eating, so we are really excited to start solid foods with you month! Another big thing to note is that we finally got a crib for you! Even though you are little you were growing out of your bassinet very quickly. We decided to borrow a crib from my good friend and so far you seem to like it. I think you are getting use to ALL the space! Some mornings we find you turned in another direction and sometimes you wake up on your tummy. It will take some more getting use to, but at least you have plenty of room to grow now. One last thing I want to mention is you are just about sitting up all on your own! We usually prop you up on the couch or have a boppy behind you, or Dad or I will sit behind you for extra support, but you are getting stronger and stronger by the day! We are so proud of you and are always commenting on how smart you are. You are still VERY observant, to the point where we can't get you to take a nap during church anymore! Once we get you to sleep the slightest noise will wake you up and there is no going back! So we've had to adjust to that. Oh well, we are learning right along with you and it's been fun, for the most part.
Oh Kinley, we love you more than words can say. We are so happy that you are in our lives. You are such a blessing to your dad and I and you have made our family that much more complete!
We love you, little! Happy five months!! =)