We are back from our fantastic vacation in Utah and now just trying to return to normalcy. We had an amazing time seeing our friends and family. The week went by way too fast for both Matt and I's taste. Here is a quick recap of what we did!
We flew into Salt Lake City Saturday night. Kinley did awesome on the plane ride. She took little cat naps here and there and when she was awake she was smiling and looking around at all the new sites. When we arrived in Salt Lake the airline we flew left our bag in Phoenix, where our layover was, and said they would expedite it to Matt's parents house late that evening or early Sunday morning. Kind of a drag seeing as how it had EVERYTHING (besides our electronics) in it. Our clothes, tooth brushes, pajamas, everything! We did survive, however, and it did come early Sunday morning as promised.
After church on Sunday we rounded up our things and took off to Flaming Gorge for two days. It was beautiful! The water was gorgeous and flat, perfect for skiing. and the mountains surrounding all the water were breathtaking. I wish I could have gotten more pictures, but I was on baby duty for most of the time on the boat. I didn't mind though, and it will be all the more reason for us to go back so I can capture the amazing scenery.
Wednesday came and Matt, Kinley and I took off for a quick trip into Provo to see one of Matt's friends from high school. It was so great to catch up with Zack and Chelsey over lunch, and I really liked where his wife chose for us to eat. It's a restaurant called Guru's. It has a little bit of everything there. If you are in the area, I recommend it. It was also our nephew, Sawyer's, first birthday party! My sister-in-law did amazing at the decorations, cute and simple. It was a baseball theme with hotdogs and cupcakes. It was perfect and Sawyer seemed pleased. =) I can't believe a year has gone by since that little guy was born! We love you to death Sawyer!
Thursday, we woke up early and headed off to Logan, where both Matt and I went to school. I don't know what it is, but every time I come out of the canyon and look down into Cache Valley, my heart just smiles, I love that view. It never gets old to me. Before we got into the valley we stopped in Brigham City to see my great aunt and uncle. I wanted to see them so badly and meet Kinley. I'm so glad I got the chance to visit with them. We had a quick lunch with one of my favorite friends, Amber, and then I had a dentist appointment. I know what you are thinking, "who has a dentist appointment while they are on vacation?" THIS GIRL! Also, my dentist in Logan was also my old boss and for a girl without dental insurance, his prices are so much better than in Texas. So I got my cavity taken care of (which Matt thought was all in my head, by the way ;-) ) and then we walked around USU's campus for a bit. It felt so good to be back to where we started. Kinley loved it! At one point we stopped and set a blanket out on Old Main Hill and just relaxed for a bit. Kinley was laughing and smiling the whole time. I told Matt it was a sign that she already loved the campus and would be going there when she is old enough. Let the parent/alumni pressuring begin! After that we met up with some of Matt's old roommates and another of my favorite friends, Ashlee, for dinner at good 'ol Angie's. You can't go wrong with a diner like Angie's. Everything is great and it was so cute to see the two single guys take to Kinley and Layla (Kraig and Bridgette's baby) so quickly. They will make great fathers one day I am sure! We couldn't leave Logan without having Aggie Ice Cream, so that was the last item on our Logan agenda. It was fun to drive around our old stomping grounds and see how much as changed. We miss Logan dearly. It will always have a special place in our hearts and we love the people we have been privileged to meet there over the years.
Friday, I wanted to keep as kind of a low key day since Kinley spent so much time in the car the day before and the whole trip itself was busy busy busy! We drove into Salt Lake to see my dear dear friend Kelli, and her son that I have been so excited to meet! It was so nice and relaxing to just sit and visit and watch her little boy play and interact with us. And to watch Kelli with him was a special treat. I hope I can be as good a mom as her! Seeing them both was such a special treat and made our trip complete. That night we had a family party at Matt's aunt and uncles house. Their oldest son got married the week before and they were having an open house on Saturday. Matt and I felt terrible that we weren't able to make it (by oh, just a few hours...) Our flight back to Texas left Saturday afternoon! We tried so hard to change it, but it would have cost an arm and a leg to do so and Matt and I don't have any extras at the moment... so Matt's aunt put together a little family get together so that we would be able to see the happy couple and they could meet Kinley before we left. =)
Our vacation was wonderful! It was so great to get away. So many new memories made. Matt and I talked a lot about the time we spent in Utah before we moved to Texas. We both have very fond memories of Logan, both when we were single and married. Logan and Utah, in general, will always have a soft spot in our hearts. It's where a lot of BOTH of our families are, where we went to school, where we made some amazing friendships, where we met each other and where we got married. There were a few time during that week that I told Matt that I wanted to move back and he just replied with his sweet knowing smile. He puts up with so much of me. Ha!
I had a bit of a breakthrough though... It wasn't until Saturday morning and our flight back to Texas that I really came to terms with the fact that we are where we are, and we are suppose to be here right now. Even though Texas isn't my favorite place, this is where we are suppose to be. I can accept that now and hopefully our families, (especially mine) can accept it too. Again, we had so much fun, and we can't wait for our next trip... Thanksgiving in Caliornia!!
Let the pictures begin! =)
Kinley in her lifejacket. How can you not smile at this picture? |
we saw some wildlife! |
Sarah on the wakeboard! She was a champ! |
My husband so impressive |
ready to jump.. |
I couldn't get a good shot of him in the air. but he's awesome! |
David under the cover |
She did so great on the boat |
Hey mom! |
sister-in-laws/lake hair! lol |
Sawyer and David on the tube |
Kinley was thinking of trying the tube... |

She was kind of groggy... so she didn't totally love it. |
She warmed up to it! |
Sawyer in his almost birthday suit. |
Kinley meeting Great Grandma Glenn |
Birthday boy |
Happy birthday Sawyer! |
Great Grandpa Glenn |
pajama buddies! |
Kelli, Luke and Kinley |
Best friends and their babes |
Saywer and Kinley on Grandpa's plane |
"these pilots just get younger and younger." |
"My head is kind of heavy guys!" |